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Official Website of Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Jais, Amethi, India. /


The Department of Basic Sciences & Humanities offers courses so as to impart quality education and training at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in various areas of Engineering. Department also offers Ph.D. in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English, Sociology and Renewable Energy.  State of art labs for teaching as well as research activities are being established to provide adequate opportunities for students to learn practical aspect of Basic Science & Humanities. Faculty members from the Department of Basic sciences and humanities have successfully completed number of R&D projects sponsored by different funding agencies such as DST, DAE-BRNS, UP-CST, CSIR etc. The main objective of the Department is to empower the students with basic knowledge and skills in the relevant field of engineering sciences and also to inculcate human values. Departmental activities give a special emphasis to develop competent professionals for the energy sector.