Journal Publications
Pradeep Das, Umesh V. Dubey and N. Raghavendra, Tensor product of representations of quivers, Indag. Math. 35 (2): 329–349, 2024
Biswas, I., Das, P. and Singh, A., Chen-Ruan cohomology and moduli spaces of parabolic bundles over a Riemann surface. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci., Vol. 132, No. 1, Paper No. 31, 12 pp, 2022.
Das, P., Properness of moment maps of representations of quivers. Publ. Math. Debrecen, Vol. 99/3–4, pp. 473–484, 2021.
Das, P., A natural Hermitian line bundle on the moduli space of semistable representations of a quiver. Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., Vol. 51(3), pp. 1003–1021, 2020.
Das, P., Manikandan, S. and Raghavendra, N., Holomorphic aspects of moduli of representations of quivers. Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., Vol. 50(2), pp. 549–595, 2019.
Das, P., Juyal, A. and Moody, D., Integral isosceles triangle-parallelogram and Heron triangle-rhombus pairs with a common area and common perimeter. J. Number Theory, Vol. 180, pp. 208–218, 2017.