Akshay Jain
Enrollment : 2020
Email : 20EB0001@rgipt.ac.in
Dr Bhaskor Jyoti Bora
Production, Performance and Emission Analysis of Biofuels |
Mr Akshay Jain is a second year Ph D student. His field of research is improving the application potential of biofuels through the use of statistical method of optimization along with experimentation. Production of biofuels such as bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas and biohydrogen from biomass obtained from different second generation and third generation feedstocks can reduce and replace the demand of petroleum products. “Biofuel policies” launched by Government of India through MoPNG and policy on “Roadmap for Ethanol Blending” from NITI Aayog provides the scope of research and support for biofuel production. Second generation feedstocks of biofuel include biomass obtained from nonedible or waste products and third generation feedstocks of biofuel includes biomass obtained from microalgae. Both second and third generation of biofuel feedstocks are cheap and easily available. Production of biodiesel and bioethanol from these feedstocks supports the Atmanirbhar Bharat and provides an opportunity to convert waste to wealth. Blending of ethanol in petrol and biodiesel in diesel improves performance and emission characteristics of the engine. Encouragement of these efforts confirms following objectives-
- Energy Security
- Waste to Wealth
- Atmanirbhar Bharat
- Cleaner Environment
Mr Akshay Jain holds M Tech in Energy Technology and B E in Mechanical Engineering. Mr Jain has qualified GATE in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2020 in Mechanical Engineering discipline.

Alisha Das
Enrollment : 2020
Email : 20EB0002@rgipt.ac.in
Dr Roopa Manjunatha
Design and Development of Breath Analyzer for Occupational Safety of Oil And Gas Industry Workers |
She is a second year Ph.D student. Her core research attempts are to model and develop electronic nose (E-Nose) techniques which can determine harmful VOCs concentration and levels in the human exhaled breath. This data can be used to predict health of worker in oil and gas fields. Also, real time breath analysis can be done in oil refinery. The developed sensor system will be tested for reliability, accuracy and repeatability. Benzene, Toluene, Xylene and Ethylbenzene (BTEX) are identified as the VOCs of concern in these industries. OSHA has defined the exposure limit of 1ppm for benzene, 200ppm for toluene, 100ppm for xylene and 100ppm for Ethylbenzene. The breath analyser sensitive to ppb level of detection of these VOCs can be used as tool for real time monitoring of health of workers and exposure limit to these carcinogenic gases. The applicability of this system can be further extended for preliminary diagnosis of different respiratory diseases such as Asthma, COPD and lung cancer by examining the concentration levels of these VOCs in the breath samples. The applicability of proposed E-Nose system for non-invasive diagnosis of health for occupational safety of workers in these industries.
Alisha Das holds Masters in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women. Her Engineering degree is in Instrumentation and Control Engineering from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India.

Enrollment : 2020
Email : 20EB0003@rgipt.ac.in
Dr Sivasankari Sundaram
A Comprehensive, Reliable and long-term Design tool for Solar Power Applications |
She is a second year Ph.D student. Her core research attempts to experiment and model the non-linear behaviour of Industrial performance ratio or corrected performance of Solar PV Installations on a large scale. The performance ratio must be corrected to nullify the bias error caused due to the impact of environmental conditions and degradation mechanism. The Industrial performance ratio (IPR) is said to incorporate non-standardised test-based conditions as STC fail to occur on-field. Impact of Industrial performance ratio on levelized cost of energy is also an objective of concern. IPR tool is formulated based on hybrid multi-stage time horizon models (NWP) supporting image recognition-based AI networks. A short-term time horizon based design tool will be of greater help to applications like unit commitment, power scheduling and economic dispatch. Furthermore, the developed design tool which is experimentally validated shall incorporate the factors of failure/degradation mechanisms occurring on-field. So the applicability of proposed design tool also estimates the photovoltaic reliability of PV systems.
Almas holds Masters in Power Electronics and her Engineering degree in Electrical and Electronics from Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Adesh Prasad
Enrollment : 2021
Email : 21EB0001@rgipt.ac.in
Dr G R Dilip
Development of Cathode Materials for High-Performance Aqueous Zn-Ion Batteries |
Adesh graduated Integrated M Tech in Energy Engineering from Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, Jharkhand, before being admitted into the Ph.D. course.
He is pursuing a Ph D Course in Energy Science and Technology. His core research area is developing nanostructured cathode materials for high-performance aqueous Zn-ion batteries. This includes understanding the insertion/desertion mechanism in water-based electrolytes. A few cutting-edge ex-situ Physico-chemical measurements will be performed to investigate the reaction mechanisms and side reactions. The optimized electrodes will be assembled in the single zinc-ion cell to scale up for commercialization. Currently, he is handling a few laboratory equipments such as a magnetic stirrer, vacuum oven, controlled atmosphere high-temperature furnace, rotary pumps, and electrochemical workstation.

Anitesh Anand
Enrollment : 2021
Email : 21EB0002@rgipt.ac.in
Dr Debasis De
Fabrication of highly efficient and stable organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cell |
Anitesh is a first year Ph.D. student. His main research is on the fabrication of highly efficient and stable organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cell.
At present, one of the most important issues faced worldwide is energy, so it is very much important to develop an affordable and efficient energy source which should not be a threat to our environment in any form. Many active researches are conducting for the development and harnessing of energy from renewable sources. With increasing demand of energy, perovskite solar cells have drawn significant attention, as a modern photovoltaic technology, due to their low manufacturing cost and simple fabrication process as compared to Si-based PV cells which have high assemble cost and accomplished manufacturing techniques. Interestingly, in the last two decade of research, the power conversion efficiency of perovskite solar cells has been increased from 3.8% to 25.2%. Many reports have been published and various research efforts have been undertaken to optimize the morphology along with the compositional development of various layers and their interface engineering. It is understood from the existing literatures that compositional engineering and interface engineering of the cell are the most critical issues to tailor the performance of the cell. Hence, in the project work, the compositional and interface engineering along with tuning of morphology, crystallinity, optical bandgap and band engineering will be investigated to improve the light absorption capacity of the absorber layer to enhance the cell efficiency and stability.
Anitesh has completed his Integrated M.Tech. in Energy Engineering from Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, India.

K M Shiwani
Enrollment : 2021
Email : 21EB0004@rgipt.ac.in
Dr Arjun Deo
Design and Control of Powertrain for Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicles |
She is a first year Ph.D. student. Her core research attempts to design and develop the smart vehicle controller for Fuel cell Hybrid Electric Vehicle to enhance the performance and range of the vehicle. The optimized hybrid design of the central controller will reduce the no. of controllers and increase the overall efficiency of fuel cell hybrid vehicles. The proposed smart controller will also reduce the stress on battery and fuel cells resulting in an increase in the life of the powertrain components.
KM Shiwani holds the Masters Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research Chandigarh, India,and the Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun, India.

Anandhi G
Enrollment : 2020
Email : 20EB0004@rgipt.ac.in
Dr Arjun Deo
Design and Development of Machine Learning Model for Energy Management System for Electric Vehicle Coupled with Micro-grid |
She is a second year Ph.D. student. Her core research is to develop a novel Machine Learning based algorithm that predicts both renewable energy sources availability and load demand in the same algorithm. There are distinct Prediction algorithms for renewable energy sources and load for Energy Management Systems (EMS). These distinct Prediction algorithms for sources and load increases the EMS complexity. This novel algorithm reduces the complexity of Energy Management Systems of Electric Vehicle (EV) coupled Micro grid. This novel machine learning algorithm will be highly helpful to evaluate the performance of Micro grid EMS for its reliable operation. Moreover, the developed algorithm shall be experimentally validated by doing Economic Analysis for Institutional Micro grid coupled with EV.
Anandhi G holds Masters in Embedded System Technologies from College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, Chennai and she completed her Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics from Anna University, Erstwhile {University of Madras (UOM)}, Chennai.

Mon Prakash Upadhyay
Enrollment : 2021 (Part-time External)
Email : 20EB0008@rgipt.ac.in
Dr Arjun Deo
Design and Performance Analysis of Building Integrated Photovoltaic Thermal (BiPVT) system |
He is a second year Ph.D. student. His core research is to design a Building Integrated Photovoltaic Thermal System (BiPVT) system and its experimental validation to achieve the net zero energy building. In developing countries like India, still a large rural population is living with limited access of electricity. Jawaharlal Nehru Solar Mission announced by the Indian Government targeted 175 GW solar capacity installations by 2022. The building integrated photovoltaic thermal (BiPVT) system is among the promising photovoltaic technologies (PVT) to achieve global solar energy utilization targets. To find the performance of the system, a periodic thermal model will be developed for the BiCPVT system and system will be optimized for maximum electrical energy and thermal energy. The simulation analysis of the developed model will be carried out with the Matlab software. The various parameters will be optimized for optimum energy generation and to achieve the net zero energy building.
Mon Prakash Upadhyay holds Masters in Alternate Hydro Energy System from IIT Roorkee and his Engineering degree in Electrical Engineering from Uttar Pradesh Technical University Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Enrollment : 2021
Email : 21EB0005@rgipt.ac.in
Dr Debasis De
Fabrication of efficient photo/ electrocatalysts for overall water splitting |
Mrinal is a first-year part time Ph.D. student. Her main area of research is on the fabrication of efficient photo/electrocatalysts for overall water splitting.
In the modern times, one of the most cost-effective ways to generate electricity is by burning of fossil fuels. On the other hand, fossil fuels are a finite resource whose price rises quickly as on highly demanded. Fossil fuels are used to produce the majority of power required for all over the world, but the major concern associated with it is the environmental factors. Hydrogen will be an alternate and renewable fuel for the substitution of conventional fossil fuel. For sustainable development of society, we should go for green energy generation and storage technologies. Among the various methods for hydrogen energy generation, photo/ electrocatalytic H2 generation is very simple and cost-effective approach. In this project, highly efficient and stable photo/ electrocatalysts will be developed and used in overall water splitting for the generation of hydrogen and oxygen.
Mrinal holds Masters in Environmental Engineering from Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, India.