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Official Website of Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Jais, Amethi, India. / / Facilities

Bengaluru Centre (Energy Institute, Bengaluru)


Research Laboratories

i-Sensors Laboratory

The lab's name, i-Sensors, stands for Intelligent/Integrated Sensors Laboratory, which reflects its focus on developing smart/intelligent sensors that can be integrated into various systems to enhance their functionality. The lab's work is centred around the development of sensors that can be used in a wide range of applications, including medical devices, environmental monitoring, and industrial automation. These sensors are designed to be efficient, reliable, and easy to use. The lab has a team of qualified and experienced researchers who are committed to advancing the field of sensors. The lab's work is making a significant impact in the field of sensors, and its researchers are dedicated to advancing the field further.

  • Spin Coater
  • Syringe Pump
  • Real-Time DAQ from NI
  • Gas Sensing Set-up
  • Magnetic Stirrer with a Hot Plate
  • LabVIEW Software
  • Multisim Software

Solar PV Reliability Laboratory

The primary objective of this lab is to perform research activities to predict/ forecast the remaining useful life of Solar PV system ( inclusive of Floating PV) for various climatic conditions. To accomplish the objectives, the lab is currently involved in the following vertically connected research areas.

  • On-field evaluation to assess failure mode-based power degradation
  • Accelerated field test to evaluate and replicate the on-field failure
  • Soiling loss calculator tool development
  • Statistical, Physical and Machine Learning Model based design tool development for failure mode-based power degradation

The systematic tools developed for Commercial systems are handled for assessment, making the contribution valuable for Industry, Solar Design Engineers and PV stake holders.

  • Solar IV curve tracer
  • Thermal Imager
  • Electroluminescence test set up

Advanced Functional Materials Laboratory

The key focus of advanced Functional Materials Lab is to synthesize/ fabricate, characterize and explore the unique properties of nanostructured materials for the applications in the areas of Solar Energy, Energy Harvesting and Storage, Nano-electronics, and Environment.

  • Facilities for nanomaterials synthesis
  • solar simulator
  • UV-Vis spectroscopy
  • Electrochemical workstation